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2010年度: 分散処理とネットワークサービス
対象分野:オーバレイネットワーク,P2P,セキュリティアーキテクチャ,センサネットワーク,ディレイトラレントネットワーク,ネットワーク構造解析,Web・Blog通信の解析,ネットワーク計測,Webサービス/サービス工学,ユビキタスネットワーク,ネットワークアーキテクチャ/プロトコル,経路制御,分散コンピューティング/アルゴリズム/オブジェクト/エージェント/データベース,シームレスコミュニケーション,シームレスコンピューティング,マルチメディア,分散処理に関連した領域全般,高速広帯域通信/品質制御/セキュリティ,アクセス/モバイル/アドホックネットワーク,ネットワークサービス/ 管理/情報システム/ビジネス,情報検索,データ/Web/テキストマイニング,マルチメディア通信/処理/システム/アプリケーション,オンラインゲーム,グリッド,クラスター,固定・移動端末連携,通信・放送融合,3次元仮想空間,ソーシャルコンピューティング等
投 稿 要 領
「情報処理学会論文誌(IPSJ Journal)」原稿執筆案内(2008年9月改訂版, PDF)によります.
論文募集の英語版は△△-△.html をご覧ください.
(3)投稿締切 2010年5月24日(月)
(4)特集号予定 2011年2月号
編集委員長: 東野 輝夫 (大阪大学)
幹 事: 田上 敦士 ((株)KDDI研究所)
委 員:明石 修 (NTT(株)),上原 稔 (東洋大学),岡下 綾 (日本電気(株)),加藤 由花 (産業技術大学院大学),金井 敦 (法政大学),菊池 浩明 (東海大学),北形 元 (東北大学),串田 高幸 (日本アイ・ビー・エム(株)),小塚 宏 (三菱電機(株)),今野 将 (千葉工業大学),斉藤 裕樹 (東京電機大学),佐藤 永欣(岩手県立大学),三部 靖夫 ((株)NTTデータ),重野 寛 (慶應義塾大学),重安 哲也 (広島国際大学),柴田 義考 (岩手県立大),菅沼 拓夫 (東北大学),高橋 修 (はこだて未来大学),滝沢 泰久 (関西大学),寺西 裕一 (大阪大学),中嶋 卓雄 (東海大学),中村 素典 (国立情報学研究所),乃村 能成 (岡山大学),橋本 浩二 (岩手県立大学),藤田 茂 (千葉工業大学), 松倉 隆一 ((株)富士通研究所),村井 信哉 (東芝(株))
Call for Papers
Journal of Information Processing
Special issue of “Distributed Processing and Network Services”
The Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of “Distributed Processing and Network Services”.
The Internet has been intergraded into many aspects of our lives and it becomes intelligence infrastructure. Moreover the Internet is always changing even now. Nodes making up the Internet spread on various devices, e.g., not only workstation and PC, but also mobile device, mobile phone, home electronics and sensors. And services on Internet becomes more multifaceted, e.g., not only one-to-one communication like e-mail and one-to-many communication like Web, but also a space for communication like social network. Moreover new paradigm of Internet use is suggested e.g. not only server-client, overlay-network, ubiquitous network and cloud computing.
To improve the variety of the Internet, cross-disciplinary study and forward-thinking study are required, in addition to the advancement of traditional network infrastructure, services, and applications. More specifically, the following innovative components including several new insights should be considered: user-centered service provision, Web computing, high-reality communication, social computing, virtual-real integration, and secure/private communications. The Internet can be actually achieved by harmonious integration between these new components and the traditional network technologies such as network architecture, protocols, distributed processing, multimedia applications, etc.
In this special issue, we focus on the challenges for the wide range of research topics “Distributed Processing and Network Services”. Prof. Teruo Higashino of Osaka Univ. has been invited to act as a guest editor for this special issue.
Submission Guidelines
(1) All papers must be submitted electronically. Please access the following URL and proceed under the submission instructions:
*Note that this URL is for English papers only.
If you plan to submit a paper in Japanese, please visit another page at
(2) All papers will be reviewed. The review process will be carried out in the same manner as regular issues. However, you have shorter time than usual (two months) for preparation of your responses to inquiries.
(3) Submission deadline is May 24, 2010
(4) The special issue will be published on the web site of Journal of Information Processing in February, 2011.
(5) The editorial committee of this special issue
Editor in-Chief: Teruo Higashino (Osaka Univ.)
Editorial Board: Atsushi Tagami (KDDI Lab.)
Editorial Committee: Osamu Akashi (NTT), Minoru Uehara (Toyo Univ.), Aya Okashita (NEC), Yuka Kato (AIIT), Atsushi Kanai (Hosei Univ.), Hiroaki Kikuchi (Tokai Univ.), Gen Kiatagata (Tohoku Univ.), Takayuki Kushida (IBM), Hiroshi Kozuka (Mitsubishi Electric), Susumu Konno (Chiba Inst. Of Tech), Fumiaki Sato (Toho Univ.), Yasuo Sambe (NTT Data), Hiroshi Shigeno (Keio Univ.), Tetsuya Shigeyasu (Hiroshima International Univ.), Yoshitaka Shibata (Iwate Prefectural Univ.) , Takuo Suganuma (Tohoku Univ.), Osamu Takahashi (Future Univ. Hakodate), Yasuhisa Takizawa (ATR), Yuuichi Teranishi (Osaka Univ.), Takuo Nakashima (Tokai Univ.), Motonori Nakamura (NII), Yoshinari Nomura (Okayama Univ.), Koji Hashimoto (Iwate Prefectural Univ.) , Shigeru Fujita (Chiba Inst. of Tech.), Ryuichi Matsukura (Fujitsu Lab.), Shinya Murai (Toshiba)
- 参照(6145)